Librarian Girl
You may or may not know this, but I am a huge lover of music. But if I didn't know the words to a song, I would just make my own. For the longest while, I thought Michael Jackson was singing about a "Librarian Girl" as opposed to a "Liberian Girl" and I was always like what's so special about a Librarian Girl as all the Librarians I saw growing up were old and frumpy. Hands up who thought the same. Don't be shy. I can't be the only one
Anyway, swiftly moving on. I thought I'd create the look of a more modern librarian. Every girl loves a little me time reading a good book (or in my case, listening to one on audible because I could never zone out enough to read so listening helps me block out other noise and get lost in the story. As most are read by the author themselves, you usually feel a deeper connection to the story) so this is the feel of this shoot - Librarian Girl / Bookworm
Brushing up on my storyboarding skills (not really, it's my partners book - he is actually a real-life Librarian who is working towards a Scriptwriter/Film Producer career)
Ooh, what's this?! Hmmm. I believe this is a book my partner is using for research for one of his scripts - or is it? I'll have to double check with him about that one...
Please don't watch my claw hand drinking my tea. Also, look past my picky bits at the back of my head - growing out my undercut. Too cold to not have any hair on my neck back!
I'm often winding bae up about the fact that he gets paid to tell people to shush all day long! He says it's not true, but not sure I believe him
And this is the face you get when interrupting in the throws of a good book
Grey and white jumper - Coster Copenhagen
Pink skirt - New Look
Grey thigh high boots - Raid Footwear
Thanks for reading. Drop a comment below and please feel free to share if you enjoyed :)